64-1227 - Who Do You Say This Is? Bro Branham

Give me a Church that’s so completely anointed with God till their every action and move is THUS SAITH THE LORD, walk in that Shekinah Glory, I’ll show you a Messiah (anointed one of God) standing upon the earth.

There stood Moses by this burning bush and the Shekinah Glory. Standing there, anointed, he didn’t know what he was doing hardly. He was just obeying what the Voice said do, “Stick your hand in your bosom. Pull it out. Take up that rod. Turn it into a serpent. Throw it back down again.” No matter what anybody else said, he was doing it.

Said, “Lord, show me Your Glory, and I’m ready to go to Egypt. I’m not an eloquent man. I can’t speak well. But You just let me see Your Glory.” And He showed It to him. And he went down and took these same things, and to show that he was the anointed Messiah. That man picked up dust off the earth and throwed it into the air, and flies and fleas flew out of that dust, and cover the earth. What could create, but God? Took water out of the river and poured it upon the bank; and every drop of water throughout Egypt, turned to blood. What could do that, but God? What was it? He was so completely surrendered to God’s anointed Word till he was the Messiah.

doveThis website is dedicated to the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ with the present tense promise of Ephesians 4:11-13 and Revelation 22:17

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