And the Word was invisible. Now, listen close. The Word was invisible until It was made flesh, and then the Word become visible. And through His sacrificial death at Calvary and His resurrection, positionally placed His Church in that realm, that the same invisible God could come into the individual and make the Word visible. Oh, my. I--I wish my church could get that. If you could see, friends, the invisible God made visible.
So Church, do you understand your Message? The invisible God, which was the Word, which was from the Ministry of the Word, now made visible by the Ministry of the Spirit quickening the Word to you, making It alive, making It tangible, making It realistic to you. The invisible becoming visible.
And here is a quote that we read this morning from “The Manifestation Of The Faith On The Third Phase For Another Ephesians”, page 35 and 36. Quote:
The Ministry of the Spirit, amen, will quicken the Word to the Bride. “God’s Chosen Place Of Worship”, California. The Church will come right, will come through Justification, through Luther; Sanctification, through Wesley; through the Baptism of the Holy Ghost or the Pentecostals. Now here we are today and grow right on into the Perfection of the Son of Man that when Husband and Wife will be the same self Person, God will be so manifested into His Bride, into His Church, they will both be the same. They are now. They are one. Amen.