And in Genesis 1:26, when God made man, He made him a god, because He gave him a dominion, and he had rulership. He had power over the birds of the air, the cattle, over the winds, the waves, the—the fishes of the sea, everything. He had dominion over everything. He was a ruler, anointed a ruler, because he was in the likeness and in the image of God with an earthly domain. That’s why the Bible says the earth is groaning, crying, waiting, for the manifestation of the Sons of God. The world is waiting for the man to come back into his right estate.
Now, he is made in the image and likeness of God. That makes his… When God made him, God give him some of His Spirit, part of His Life, and he’s in the likeness and the image of God. Therefore, like here in the… Man in his natural condition, the way we are now, you can see that he’s much more than an animal, as they try to say we are; because man, in his fallen estate, yet being a fallen son of God, he still can better himself. He has an intelligence. He builds himself a better house, living conditions. He makes himself better travel conditions. He can speed himself through the air now at nineteen hundred miles an hour in a jet plane, or rocket.
And he’s—he’s made himself so he can almost travel around the world just in twenty-four hours. Just send a like satellite in the air above the space of where the air is a turning (the orbit of the world), and stand still, and watch the world pass under him; and go completely around in twenty-four hours, just standing still at one place.
Go up in the air and stand there, come right back down and be home again, just standing above the—the revolving earth, where the earth is pulling its current around, making the winds and so forth, the current. The world turning about, around about close to twenty-five hundred miles an hour. No, I’ll say about eleven hundred miles an hour. It’s twenty-five hundred miles around it and it’s going around every twenty-four hours. It’d be pretty near eleven hundred miles an hour. And he goes up in the air and defies that, stands above gravitation, and stands there and watch the world pass around under him. He’s smart, intelligent. And he’s—he’s made up in the image and the likeness of God, and in him is Light.