61-0117 - The Messiah - Bro Branham

Now, for instances when a man gets saved, he’s just about like… The Light that comes into him is about like this little white button on my shirt. That’s when God comes into the inner part of a man. In the inner part of a man or… A man is made up in the system of a tabernacle: in the outer courts, then holy place, and the holiest of holies; the Shekinah glory on the inside, the veil.

Now, on the outside gates of a man is his five senses that enters to his body. On the inside, which is his soul, or the… The—the soul is the nature of the spirit that’s on the inside of his heart; produces his soul, which makes the atmosphere around him. He has also five entrances.

Then on the inside he has only one gate, one entrance to go into the Shekinah glory, where God can enter into him and take over in the control tower. And that way is through self-will. Whether you will to or not, that’s up to you. But that’s the only avenue that’s open to the man that God can come into his heart, is by self-will. Puts him right back like Adam and Eve on free moral agency again. You can choose right or wrong, either one you want to.

Now, self-will… Then God comes into the man, into the heart, which is the spirit. Then the spirit makes the soul, and then the soul dwells in the body. Now, when a man is converted, say, just like that little white button starts in his heart. Now, that part is God. God… When he’s born again with the Spirit of God, God’s Spirit dwells in him.

Now, as… He can let that Spirit grow and take out all the roots of bitterness, and press God’s way through him again; he can become back in the same condition that he was when he was in the garden of Eden. Jesus said in Mark 11:24: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, if you say to this mountain, ‘Be moved,’ and don’t doubt in your heart, but believe that what you have said will come to pass, you can have what you said.” That puts him right back supreme again. It puts him right back in the condition.

Now, we’re made up of light meters. Inside of us is cosmic light. Now, that cosmic light is a light that they can take an x-ray with. The x-ray doesn’t come from the x-ray light; it comes from your own light. And then if that cosmic light, say, could be pushed to a place to where not cosmic light but Eternal Light… God could dwell supremely, to do our thinking, do our walking, do our talking, then it’s no longer the man; it’s God in the man.

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