Comments: 2008-04-06AM - If The Sowing Time Is Over, Then The Reaping Time Is At Hand - Bro. Coleman

Your faith has gotten to anointed. And they like the Dynamics, they love the feelings, but they can not take the Word. So God in His Wisdom disguised Charity the Headstone as the Word, and that's your Place of Trying. God is trying you if you can take the Word. If you can take every word of Headstone and Headstone enmorphs Itself, It disguises Itself in seasons, to try your faith.

So in this season, the Headstone is here as a Revelation of the Fivefold Ministry to try your faith. So you better take it, identify the Headstone, that the Headstone has been here as an Apostolic Ministry. It's the Headstone just disguised. And the people could take it if you preach it as Charity, when it's now preached as an Apostolic Ministry, they reject that one. But in spite of the Headstone Revelation, hallelujah, because the Prophetic, the Apostolic all came from what? The Headstone Ministry is the Headstone Ministry. Brother Branham's Prophetic Ministry was the Headstone Ministry. And the Apostolic Ministry, though rejected, was the Headstone Ministry. Oh, pray God.

But you did not reject it. You received every Word, you did not back up from the Word. Though the Word cut, though the Word sliced, though the Word rebuked your flesh, you took the Word. And you're standing here today, the Bride of Jesus Christ, ready to catch that Headstone. Glory to God. Yes sir. Glory.

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