(62-0706 - Jehovah-Jireh #2) : “The Headstone never did come to the pyramid, It was rejected, just like the Cornerstone. Now, but when that Headstone comes…I’ve been to the pyramid; it’s just so perfectly fit, you couldn’t run a razor blade between it, where the mortar is at. And when the Church comes, that’s…When the Christ comes to receive His Church, the Church will have the ministry just exactly like that, and through that grace will raise the whole thing, then go. The coming of the Headstone; crying, “Grace, unto the Lord!” Bro Coleman : “The Headstone will be in you. Crying to the judgment Angel Grace Grace to this temple. When I see the blood, grace, grace grace, to NY City, the Headstone is in them crying Grace Grace. Do you finally understand?"