But the purpose of this, is seeing your position in Christ, seeing that it's not something that you just stumbled into, or something that might have, you merited somewhere, but it's what God did for you Himself. Not that you were so good that you went to a church one night, that some poor brother led you up to the altar, and it wasn't that. It was God, before the foundation of the world predestinated you to Eternal Life. When you get there that day, no wonder the forty—twenty-four elders laid off their crowns; everybody laid down their crown; everyone fell on their faces; they didn't have one thing they could say, no preacher, no elder, no nothing. All praise to the Lamb, God will gather in Him all things at that day. Oh, if we'd ever know and recognize Who that was, Who they crucified. Now, on the…
We'll start at the 8th verse, to get a little background. Wherein he has abounded towards us in all wisdom and prudence; Having made known to us the mystery of his will… "The mysteries of His will…" And remember how we hung on that? How many was here this morning? Let's see. How we stuck on that, "the mystery of His will." Now, it is not just a little thing; then it's a mystery. God's will is a mystery. And each man has to seek out the will of God for his or herself, God's mystery. How do we find out? Paul, it was known to him. He said he didn't confer with any man, no flesh and blood. He went to no school, no seminary. He had nothing to do with it. But he… It was revealed to him by Jesus Christ, Who met him on the road to Damascus in a—a Light like a Pillar of Fire, and It called him. And he went to Arabia, and there dwelt three years. Oh, don't you imagine that was some time, Brother Egan? Three years Paul was down there in Arabia, rented him a little building somewhere, walking up and down the floor with all the old scrolls. They didn't have the new ones; Paul wrote them, mostly. Right in these old scrolls, how that God, at the beginning predestinated us unto Eternal Life, how that He would send Jesus, that through this Sacrifice we'd all have a right to the Tree of Life. "Those who He foreknew, He called; those who He called, He has already justified; those who He justified, He has already glorified."