63-0317E - The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And The Seven Seals - Bro Branham

The Seals was broke (why?) in the last church age, to reveal these Truths. Why? The Lamb broke the Seals and revealed them to His Church, in order to collect His subjects for His Kingdom. His Bride, see! Oh, my! He wants to bring His subjects to Him now. What is it? Out of the dust of the earth, out of the bottom of the sea, out of the pits, out of everywhere and every place, out of—out of the regions of the dark, out of paradise, wherever they may be. He’ll call, and they’ll answer. Amen! Amen! [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] He’ll call, and they’ll answer.

He come to get His subjects. He revealed His secrets, and they saw It. “And time is no more,” at that time. “Time has run out.” It’s finished. All right.  He leaves the Throne, to be an Intercessor, as a slain Lamb; to be a Lion, King; to bring the world to Judgment, who has rejected His Message. He’s not a Mediator. Remember the Old Testament teaching now, as we hurry. When the blood went off the mercy seat, what was it? Judgment seat.

And when the Lamb, slain, walked forward from Eternity, out of the Father’s Throne, and took His rights, it was a Judgment Seat. Then He become, not a Lamb, but a Lion, King, and He calls for His Queen to come stand by His side. “Know ye not the saints shall judge the earth?” Daniel said, “The Judgment was set, and the books were opened; and ten thousands times ten thousands of thousand ministered to Him,” King and Queen. “And then another Book was opened, which was the Book of Life,” that’s for the church. And the Queen and the King stood there.


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