56-0101 - Why Are People So Tossed About? - Bro Branham

Some people gets the wrong impression of what the anointing is. Did you ever think of that? When was the greatest anointing ever give to anyone, and what did they do when they had the anointing? The greatest anointing that was ever give to anyone, was Jesus Christ. We have the Spirit by measure. He had It without measure. And one day He entered into the temple and picked up the scroll and read, said, “The Spirit of God is upon Me, for He has anointed Me to preach the acceptable year, to bind up the broken hearts, to heal the sick, give sight to the blind.”

And now we would think, if such anointing was on Him…Had been prophesied eight hundred years before, that It would come, and here He was with that type of anointing, the full blessing and anointing of the Lord upon Him. We would have want to run all over the building, scream and holler. But the Bible said, “He laid down the scroll, and sat down, and precious Words proceeded from His mouth.” That’s what He done under the anointing. The anointing is not emotion. The anointing is supreme power in control, knowing exactly what and how. See?

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