1958-12-21E - The Unity Of One God In The One Church - Bro Branham

There is what God wants you filled with. He wants you filled with the Holy Ghost, and then you’ll be united. What to, a church? No, sir. You’ll be united. What to, a creed? No, sir. You’ll be united to God. And you and Him will be one, as He and the Father is one. And God’s Holy Spirit will live in you. And the same works that the Holy Spirit performed when It was here in the Christ Jesus, shall be performed in you, for He said He would do it. Then we are one.

Jesus prayed for that, in the prayer tonight, our Heavenly Master prayed to the Father, that we would be “one” as He and God is one. And how close were They? God was the Life and Spirit in Him! And if we are one with Him, we will be, Life and Spirit of Him will be in us. Then, earthly, carnal intellectuals’ conception, and creeds and dogmas, will fade out; and a new, generated, born-again, virgin experience of the baptism of the Holy Spirit will take place in the human heart. Then you’ll be one, then brother will really be brother, sister will be sister. Your objectives and your motives, and all that you are, and all that you ever want to be, or try to be, will be for the Kingdom of God; no matter what church you represent, where you go, or what you do.

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