How's the gates going to open? The button pressed, and the pearly gates swung open; here come Jesus, led captives captive. Here He comes down as the Conqueror, walking down through the cities of the new heavens, and walked up in front of the Father, and said, "Father, here they are. They all died under good faith, under the sacrifice of the lamb, but I present them to You."
"Well done. Come up here and set down on my right hand, for I'm going to send the Holy Ghost back down. And You set there until every enemy is made Your footstool." Glory to God. We look for Him to come again someday in glory. And those who are in the dust of the earth shall rise and be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye, and be made liken unto His... "They shall possess the gates of the enemy."
When they're going to chop his head off of Saint Paul, he said, "Death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory? But thanks be to God Who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." Amen.
Oh, you think I'm a little crazy, don't you? But I sure feel good this a way. Just let me alone. See? How wonderful. Good. Some glorious day the last enemy I have, which is death, will be tramped right under the feet, as with the Conqueror, we shall march through the City.
Today while the harvest is on, let's go about gathering in the sheaves everywhere. Whatever God's give you to do, if you're a little housewife, testify to the neighbors something. Do something; bring somebody with you when you come.