We think of one time we were aliens, cut off from God without mercy. And Christ died in our stead, the Innocent for guilty. And now, we are the sons and daughters of God. And it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know we’ll have a body like His own glorious body, for we shall see Him as He is, free from sickness, free from pain. God, that glorious day of redemption is coming; for all nature is groaning for that day.
Now, we’re on the very threshold of the door to break forth into that great golden age that all the prophets has spoke of. Signs and wonders has been wrought by Thy servants throughout the land to turn the people back to a knowledge of the Presence of Jehovah God in our midst. Bless us tonight. Bless all the sufferers. And anoint Thy servant, Lord, to pray for the sick, and anoint the sick to believe You. For we ask it in the Name of Thy beloved Child, Jesus Christ. Amen.