When He had talked to me in the room, and I come down here and preached to you all, that, “When the Lamb left the place.” Oh, my! Now I believe we’ll just take a text. See, “The Lamb had left His seat and come forth,” see, as I had got up there when He was present, that Light, which is Christ; when He was present, told it. When the Lamb leaves that seat of the Throne, to being a Mediator, He becomes out here, and the Day of Redemption for the Church is finished.
The next redemption is opened, is for the Jews, the hundred and forty-four thousand. Is that right? Cause He promised He’d cut the tree off, you know. Now, here, now here He comes out, the Lamb, and then the Day of Redemption is finished. And all that’s going to be redeemed, has already been redeemed and put on the Book, and He is out here opening the Book. Right!