61-0723M - The Ever-Present Water From The Rock - Bro Branham

Jesus, when He was here on earth, when He died, His soul descended into Hell, “And preached to the spirits that were in prison, the souls in prison, that repented not in the longsuffering of the days of Noah.” His body went into the grave. But before He died, He commended His Spirit into the hands of God. His Spirit went to God; His soul went to Hell; and His body went to the grave. And Jesus was barred out from resurrection until the Scripture could be fulfilled. He could not come back, because He had to stay in the grave for three days and nights. But when the Scripture was all fulfilled, this bar was taken away; His Spirit descended to His soul, His soul to His body, and He rose again.

And when we die, our souls will go under the altar of God; where I was privileged to see, a few mornings ago, as you know, in the vision, where the Bible speaks of. “Our spirits will go to God Who give it, and our bodies shall return to the dust of the earth.” But someday, when the Scripture is fulfilled, our spirits will be released from God, will pick up the soul, and the soul to the body. And the Power that will raise us up, is right in us now! We are now in Heavenly places. We are now in the Power of the resurrection.

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