63-0322 - The Fifth Seal - Bro Branham

 And you see some sinner out there, make fun of a mother that’s a—a pregnant-ed woman. I think that’s ridiculous. That’s life coming to the world. But did you notice, around that mother seems to be a sweet feeling? What is it? It’s a little spiritual body, spiritual life, waiting to come into that little body as soon as it’s born. Now it’s only begotten; but, when it’s born, it’s born. The spiritual body unites with the natural body.

And, then, the Bible teaches that we are now begotten of God. We’re begotten of the Holy Spirit, that, in us is Christ, a son of God being formed in us. And when this earthly body be dissolved, this spiritual body comes from the bowels of the earth, there is another body waiting to receive it. “If this earthly tabernacle is dropped, there is another body to receive it.” This mortal body puts on immortality. This terrestrial puts on celestial. This, see what I mean? There is a natural body that’s sinful; but, in its making, just like it, is another body that we go to.

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