No, we could have got…get any continuity amongst medics, amongst scientists, different ones.
If Einstein had only had the spiritual application, as he had the—the physical application, as he studied the laws of light, and so forth, he could have told us something. When I heard his message on that great center somewhere into the skies, that, “Ever contacted with that center, you could create earths, do anything, and the power would be unlimited.” See? He had seen that. You see these little pockets going through the air, they call “saucers,” so forth. People so…That, well, we better leave that alone. “Hear all these people come up missing?” you say. Don’t hear from them; they’re standing there, and they’re not there.
That’s the way the Rapture is going to be. One of them will drop right down, and this terrestrial body will take on a celestial body. And they’ll be…hide, hair, or bones left; it’ll be transformed in a moment of time, dropping right out of space and taking Home that. We see all this going on now, and the—and the Pentagon wondering about these lights, and mystic lights, and everything they’re seeing in the—in the sky. You seen they had one here in the paper at Jeffersonville this week, and so forth, “a mystic light.” So, oh, they don’t know what that is. But listen, little children, It’s going to pick you up, one of these days. See? See? Don’t worry.