But you shall receive Power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you. You shall be witnesses by doing the sign of the Resurrection, to a wicked and adulterous generation, by the Ministry of Jesus Christ. The manifestation will be the interpretation. Hallelujah. Praise God. Glory. I’m finished.
“Word Made Flesh,” 1954. Deity will be in the Bride. Here’s God’s thoughts for this day. I believe it’s on the road that when the Church will be so wrapped in Christ, the Holy Spirit, mankind, so away from themselves that they don’t see themselves, they don’t have no motives but to serve God. When their thoughts move on, the Holy Spirit wipe them out. When they refuse the things of the world, when they just move in the Spirit. Oh Hallelujah.
They just live in the Spirit, they just walk in the Spirit, they fulfill the law of Christ, then the Love of Christ in the human heart moving in the Holy Ghost, this great wonderful Church will go forth with Power and Deity. Why? Because Deity will be revealed in human beings by the Holy Spirit bringing to pass the thoughts of their minds, St. John 5:19, I do nothing except the Father show me. Hallelujah.
Then the Father speaks His thoughts and now as long as you don’t say it, it’s still a revelation in your heart. But once you speak it, that’s your word! That’s your word! Hallelujah. “Come out Satan.” Cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead. The Holy Spirit will bring it to pass; the Ministry of Jesus Christ will be identified. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Oh let’s praise Him. Glory to God. Thank You Jesus.