63-0728 - Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed - Bro Branham

591 What is it? Not them people. The Headship and the Body has become one unit. It’s God manifested in His people. That’s the reason the husband and wife is no longer twain; they’re one. God and His Church is one, “Christ in you,” God’s great revelation. Glory to God! Even bearing His Name; His Name is Jesus, the Anointed. The reason He is called Jesus, He is the Anointed. It’s the anointed Body of Christ, proving, manifested God like That body did. And That body redeemed every of this, these bodies, and through there God works His threefold manifestation, going to the Kingdom. Risen, paid the price! We’re redeemed. God has proved it, vindicated it. See?

592 And we stand justified in Christ, before Him. Because, He cannot pass judgment, for He’s already judged that Body, in which I am a part of. What, how am I a part of it? Here It is; It’s in me. “If My…ye abide in Me, and My Words in you, then what you say…Ask the Father anything in My Name, it’ll be done, because It’s there.” Justified! Glory to God! 593 Oh, if I could get the world to see that! Why? There you are. There is the Body of Christ living, standing redeemed. Redeemed! Oh, my!

594 Justified in His sight! Why are we justified? We are His victory. The Church is His victory. We come forth in this last days with this glorious Gospel, showing His victory. He died for this purpose, and we are proof of His victory. Amen! When we see Him coming down and living among the Church, that’s His victory. Shows that he couldn’t keep Him in the grave, neither can they keep us. That’s true!…?…And we’re already, potentially, arised, because we’ve raised from dead, unbelief in His Word, from denomination creeds, to an Eternal Word of the Eternal God; which is Him, Hisself, working through us, manifesting Himself that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

595 And then the Word moves on down into the Body, from the Head. What is it? This same Word. Nothing can be added or taken from It. So that same Word moves from the Head, as the Day comes close, down into the Body, down into the Body, vindicating that they are One. They are Husband and Wife. They’re flesh of His flesh, Word of His Word; Life of His Life, Spirit of His Spirit. See? Amen! How do you know it? Bears the same record, same fruit, same Word. See? Manifests Christ; same Life, same God, same Spirit, same Word, same Book! Amen! Same signs, “Things that I do shall you also.” Oh, hallelujah! My! 596 Notice, the vindicated Word in His Body is His very victory and the reason of His death.

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