“In My Father’s house are many…” Or, “In My Father’s economy, in My Father’s plans is many palaces. I’ll go to prepare a place.” Look how long it is, fifteen hundred square miles! Say, where’s it at? He has gone to prepare it. He is Creator. He creates all that gold. The streets are transparent. He is Creator. He is making a place. Over in Revelation 21, he said, “And I John saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem, descending from God out of Heaven.”
“There was no more sea; the first heaven and first earth was passed away.” What was our first heavens? Was the Millennium. What’s the first earth? Was this. It’ll be renovated. Just like it was baptized by Noah, in the days of his preaching; was sanctified by Christ, as He sprinkled His Blood upon it; and be renovated, take all the germs and everything off of it, in the renovation at the end, with a Fire baptism that’ll kill every germ, every sickness, every disease, every filth that was ever on the earth.