64-0802 - The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride - Bro Branham

Notice here, some of you Bible students, and especially Doctor Vayle looking at me. Notice in Peter, in the 2nd chapter of Peter here, 3rd chapter, rather, he uses the word “world,” as a Greek word kosmos, which means, “the world order.” “The earth shall pass away, melt the elements with fervent heat.” See? Doesn’t mean that the earth, the planet, is going to pass away. But the world, kosmos, the politics, the sinners, the systems, sin, disease, germs, everything that’s wrong, will pass away. Everything that once…

God once shook the heavens, but this time He said He’ll shake the earth, heavens and earth… “He shook the earth,” rather, “and then this time He’ll shake the heavens.” See? “For we receive a Kingdom that cannot be moved.” It’s a Eternal Kingdom. Watch how he goes to it.

Notice here, Peter said, “And will melt with fervent heat, and the works therein burnt up,” not the planet. “The works therein,” the works of man, all their politicians and their schemes, and all their denominations and man-made schemes, will all go with it when it burns.


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