2004-08-15 - Blessed Is The People That Know The Joyful Sound - Bro Coleman

I believe all of you know that the Seventh Seal is a three-fold Mystery. And he looked under the Seventh Seal when it opened and he saw, he heard rather, banging seven times, Seven Thunder. And he looked to see where it went and it went into unknown tongues. So I ask you a question. Could the three-fold Seventh Seal, could that tie in to I Thessalonians 4:16? Shout, Voice, Trump. Jesus does all three. Is that what’s going on here now? Are we connecting now in the middle part? Okay. Here we go. Number one: Shout, Seven Seals, Seven Thunders, what is that? That represents your soul because there’s a seed in the soul. My, my. Number two: Voice of the Archangel. This represents your spirit. I should put it this way. The Seventh Seal, maybe you’ll understand it this way, is the claiming Seal. See they got it now, okay. It claims you. It claims your soul. He’s gonna claim your spirit. He’s gonna claim your body. Okay Brian? Amen. So you got it now? Shout, Seven Seals, Seven Thunders, the Word seed in your soul. And it claims that attribute in there. It calls you. It calls you out

of Laodicea, call you out of everywhere.

Now we entered into Part 2: Voice of the Archangel. And now we have our spirits, imagination, memory, affection, conscience and reasoning. So what happens now? Elohim comes back down the horizontal rainbow and Elohim is made up of Seven Spirits. Seven Spirits coming from your Theophany, listen. Seven Spirits coming from your Theophany because your Theophany is sending messages to you. “Come on now, come on, it’s time, it’s time. I want to meet you in the Resurrection, come on.” Your Theophany. So the Theophany is the nature of the spirit. And it has seven spirits to it. So Elohim comes back as Dynamics in the form of Seven Spirits and Seven Rainbows coming from your Theophany to form you into the Word Image to be ready for the Third Part, Trump of God, your body! You got it now?

The Seventh Seal is the claiming Seal. It claims your soul, the seed in your soul, spirit and body. And I Thessalonians 5:23, and I’m closing now. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be... (watch, listen)....be preserved blameless... You never did it in the first place. He whom He called, He predestinated. He called them, justified you, glorified you, you’re already glorified. And He Himself come down as the Seventh Seal to claim you. So He’s doing the work of redemption now through the Word and now He’s coming down to claim your body with a Fire Baptism for the Resurrection. So watch this, so: ...I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless... (watch) ...unto the coming of... (the) ...Lord Jesus Christ. Well what is I Thessalonians 4:16? We are in the coming of
the Lord Jesus Christ and we are blameless. You’re already there. So all you’ve got to do now is begin to worship. Amen.

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