Just as we know now, as a man asked me a few moments ago, about the Coming and the Rapture. We know. We’ve lived the time out, at the time of the Rapture is at hand, and we’re looking for a rapturing faith that can pull the Church together and give it some supernatural strength, that can change these bodies that we live in. When we see a God that can raise the dead off the floor or out of the yard, and bring him back to life again and present him before us, when we see a God who can take a cancer that’s eat a man to a shadow and raise him up to a strong healthy man, that ought to give rapturing faith to the people. That, when that Light flashes from the sky, and the trumpet sounds, the Body of Christ will be quickly gathered together, and changed in a moment and taken into the Heavens. Yes, there’s got to be something like that happen. And our schools of theology can never produce that, yet they intellectually are all right. But you’ve got to meet that Light! You’ve got to find that Something.