Is this the mystery, of the Thunders, that will bring back the Headstone? You know, the pyramid never was capped. The Headstone is yet to come. It’s been rejected. Could it be, brethren, sisters? Or, is this that Third Pull that He told me, three or four years ago? The First Pull, you remember what happened? I tried to explain It. He said, “Don’t do that.” The Second Pull, He said, “Don’t try.” And I pulled, anyhow. You remember? [Congregation says, “Yes.”—Ed.] All of you remember. It’s on tape and everything. And then He said, “Now there’s a Third Pull coming, but don’t try to explain It.” You see how I approached This, tonight? I don’t know. But, I feel duty bound, to my church, to say something. You draw your own conclusion.
Now, will this be the mystery that would open up, that would bring Christ, bring a Power to the Church? See? We’ve already… We believe in repentance, being baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. We believe in receiving the Holy Ghost. We have signs, wonders, miracles, speaking in tongues, and the things that the early Church had. And, frankly, there’s been more done, right here, than is wrote in the Book of Acts, in this one little group of people, this little bitty ministry of ours here. What about the world over? See? More than is wrote in the Book of Acts, same kind! The raising of the dead! Remember, there was only about three people raised, of dead, by Jesus Christ. And we have on record, doctors’ record, five. See? “Works that I do, more than this shall you do.” I know the King James says “greater,” but you couldn’t do nothing greater. More of it! He was in one Person then; He’s in the whole Church now. See? “More than this shall you do, for I go unto My Father.”
If this is the Third Pull, then there is a great ministry lying ahead. I don’t know. I can’t say. I—I don’t know.