God on the Day of Pentecost sent down the full armour of God for His army. That was Himself in you. And... you may be seated. Same promise today in 1989. Joseph perfection at the top of the foundation releasing the Holy Ghost Itself. Right now. This morning, you can have it. You’re on the top of the foundation. You come right down to perfection and back to the Word again and to manifest Itself again. Revelation 8:1. God gave us a silence period. In there... in there for the seeds to be timetested and to ripen and the shucks to become yellow dry straw. Amen.
And II Timothy... II Timothy 3:1-8: Praise God. Well amen. Where am I at? The devil’s fighting me with this microphone here, praise God. Amen. Trying to make me nervous, amen. Amen. Okay. He gave us a silence period for the seeds to be time-tested and to ripen and the shucks to become yellow dry straw. Now, II Timothy 3 versus II Peter 1:4-7. II Timothy 3 is the church. II Peter 1:4-7 is the Bride. Amen. Now this church has five senses. Imagination, memory, affection, conscious, reasoning. And this Bride has sixth sense; faith! Praise God. The Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire. Glory to God, versus five. Amen. And then reasoning,
then imagination and down in here is a sixth sense. That ain’t right. That don’t sound right. No brother, no sir. Brother Branham said here, Brother Branham said there. I don’t care what you say. That’s that sixth sense, that faith that knows what it is, praise God. Oh hallelujah, praise God.
The devil can’t poke nothing down your throat. Glory to God. Yes siree. Amen. Put on the whole armour of God. Bride had to be trained. Amen. Yes siree. Thirty-two here, amen. Okay, why? He was the Word. Fortified by the Word. And He rose up. He conquered death, hell and the grave and Himself come back in the form of the Holy Ghost to fortify His army for this last days. In this big onslaught where these great intellectual giants rising up reasoning against the Word. But I’ll not leave you
comfortless, I’ll come again and be with you, in you.
And again He said, I’ll pray the Father, He’ll send you another comforter which is the Holy Ghost. He will abide with you forever. What is it? The Word. God’s artillery in the human being. God’s artillery, God’s cannons, God’s fire power in your heart and it blows these demons’ minds out. Their reasoning, imagination, it blows it out. They can’t understand it. Praise God. God’s artillery in the human heart manifesting the resurrection. Think of it. That great conqueror who conquered every sickness. Conquered every superstition, conquered every giant, conquered everything there was to be conquered on earth. Died, conquered hell, conquered death, conquered the grave, conquered the atmosphere, ascended up on high. Come back in the form of the Holy Ghost. And we’re more than conquerors through Him that loved us, praise God. Hallelujah, hallelujah, praise God.
What an army. Like a mighty army marches the Christian soldier, amen, great triumph. He’s in us. Not me, He’s already conquered him. I don’t have to do it... a thing, but just believe Him, walk on, yes sir. For He is risen. His Spirit is in us. The great Victor, the Resurrection Presence in us. We’re raised from the things of the world; from unbelief and creeds to a die to a living Christ with every power of the enemy defeated. Amen. Praise God.